Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Life's Rainbows....

As you probably know, my son Donovan has Noonan Syndrome.  Some kids with Noonans have delayed development.  Fortunately, so far, this isn't something we have encountered with him.  He's a smart little boy but I know that early intervention was probably instrumental in keeping him on the right track.  I can't speak highly enough about my experience with Help Me Grow and the people who helped me with Donovan since he was 7 months old.

One thing that I've been "worried" about is his fine motor skills.  If there is any area that might need some extra TLC it's probably his fine motor skills.

Donovan was fortunate enough to receive a gently used Nintendo DS from a friend of mine from afar last year.  Actually a friend I met online, her daughter wanted to give away her Nintendo to my son because he was hospitalized and was going to be there for quite awhile.  This Nintendo DS has helped Donovan to really focus on using his fine motor skills.  We've managed to purchase age appropriate games and that has been a godsend to developing his fine motor skills.

Preschool has also helped him a lot.  They gentle encourage him to write his own name or at least trace his name on all his papers.  Some days its legible but most days its scribble.  So I was beginning to worry that maybe he needed a little more help.  Fortunately I'm still in contact with his Developmental Specialist.  She's a friend of mine!  She gave me comfort in saying that he is still quite young to be able to write letters/numbers perfectly.

Today Donovan found a book in our study that his Daddy purchased for him while on one of his many business trips this past year.  This book is a numbers tracing book.  It allows him to trace the numbers and the spelling of the numbers too.  So not only is he going to learn how to write numbers but how to spell them and how to write lower case letters too!

I was so excited to see how well he traced the numbers.  He diligently printed letters 1 through 12 before he got tired or bored.  I was so thrilled to see this accomplishment that I just had to share, so I made sure I took pictures!

1 comment:

  1. woo hoo! glad he found something!

    ur OT introduced Lauren to an iPad2. I never would've have bought one ever but Lauren LOVES it. She traces the alphabet, numbers, upper and lower case and so on. We use a fat stylus which helps when her fingers get tired and helps her use a better grip. I know it's a big chunk of money but has been so worth it for us. She's learning and the stimulus and entertainment factor keeps her going at it longer than paper and marker do because she doesn`t get bored as quickly. Our OT also thought we should be able to write it off on our taxes... (plus Roman is doing some of the same games in French so still a learning challenge and a 2 for 1!)
