Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Day Has Arrived ...

I've been dreading this day since school let out at the end of May.  Today was my Norah's first day of kindergarten.  I actually handled things better than I thought I would, Norah's Daddy was much more emotional than I was.  I think that is because I've shed my tears while showering or after everyone has gone to sleep over the course of the last several weeks.

I remember 5 years ago when the thought of going back to work full-time and leaving my daughter behind to be cared for by someone else started eating me up inside.  I essentially begged (but didn't have to do it too much thank goodness) my husband to let me be a stay-at-home-mom.  In looking at our childcare options, the amount of time I would have been away from home, and the cost involved with childcare - it just didn't seem right for me to go back to my job full-time.  Part-time, maybe, full-time no.  I left this decision up to my employer - since they were not willing to allow me to work part-time from home and part-time in the office with me agreeing to a significant pay-cut, I graciously walked away.  I knew I was making the right decision.

I enjoyed the time just Norah and I had together for 2 years.  Those two years will hold a special place in my heart.  I feel terrible that she had to share me with her brother over the last 3 years, especially since he is rather high maintenance.  She's such a good person that she has taken this all in stride.  I think having her little brother has made her a more compassionate human being.  A very kind-hearted soul!

She's a unique child.  She's a child that understands things well beyond her years.  I remember holding her as she rested on my lap and I was holding her facing me.  I would talk to her.  I would tell her all about the ins and outs of this world.  How she can be anything she wanted to be with hard work.  I told her that being independent and having confidence would be her allies in this world.  I told her to be kind, gentle and loving.  Never ever forget integrity!  Since for 10 hours a day, it was just me and her for the first 2 years of her life - I talked to her a lot.  Which is why she's such a chatterbox today.  All the things I told her she has taken to heart.  She is independent, confident, hardworking, yet she's kind, gentle, loving and has more integrity than most people I know that are 5x her age.  So when we dropped her off at school today, I was okay.  I knew she was armed with all she needed to know to walk into a new phase in life.

She got me last night though.  Every other night Jon and I switch which child we tuck-in and snuggle with for a few minutes.  Jon got Norah and I got Donovan as part of the "rotation".  So after I tucked in and snuggled with Donovan, I snuck into Norah's room.  I wanted to give her that one last hug as an "almost kindergartener".  I walked in and I said to Norah, I want to give you a hug and a kiss and wish you well my "almost kindergartener!".  She says to me, Momma, are you going to miss me?  Are you going to be okay tomorrow?"  As she was saying this, tears began to well-up in her eyes.  So of course, mine did too.  I said, yeah, I'll be okay, but I will miss you.  It's okay for me to miss you, because it means when I see you at the end of the school day it makes it that much more special for me!  She says can you kiss my hand?  So I did.  She says to me, I now have you with me forever Momma.  So when I feel lonely or scared, you'll always be with me!  She grabs my hand and kisses mine.  She says to me, Momma, now you won't ever have to be sad because you'll always have me now!  Of course, the tears started pouring down my face.  I hugged her tight.  Told her school will be awesome and she is so lucky.  I can't wait to pick her up every day and hear about her day - all the things she did and learned and the new friends she has made.

She woke up this morning, excited for her first day.  She's been waiting for this day since she found out she was accepted at Lake Ridge in February.  When life was rough because her little brother was in the hospital, this bright news of her being accepted into the school of her choice was welcomed news for sure!  She changed into her school clothes and was downstairs eating breakfast by the time I came out of the shower and was dressed myself.

I know this transition is going to be hardest felt by Donovan.  Norah has been the best big sister he could have ever wished for.  She is his best friend, play buddy, snuggle buddy and helper.  So he told Norah he was going to miss her a lot.

When we got into school, Norah gave her teacher a huge hug and made herself at home.  Her teacher, Mrs. Dorner, wanted to know if Norah was up at 5:30am ready for school?  It was obvious to her that Norah was "that excited" about being at school.  Has to make a teacher feel good when students want to be at school!

We gave Norah a hug and kiss.  She didn't even bat an eye.  She was at school, the place she wants to be and was so excited beyond words.

Her first day went well.  She had a blast and tomorrow can't come soon enough for her!

But you can tell by this picture, that both Norah and Donovan were happy to spend the afternoon huddled together watching a movie!  Recooping from a busy morning, getting up early and starting a new adventure!

I'm okay.  I know she'll be okay.  Lake Ridge Academy was the best decision Jon and I have ever made for Norah.  She will get the best educational experience.  I am so proud of her and even jealous of her.

My sweet Norah, I hope you find learning to always be fun, rewarding and adventurous!

Hugs and Love, Momma

1 comment:

  1. Colleen - that brought tears to MY eyes and I don't even have a kindergartener this year:-) It made me wonder how hard it will be when I send my last baby to kindergarten in 2 years!! I know you guys will do well - and Norah will have such a wonderful year!! Hope to see you soon!!
