Thursday, April 21, 2011

Norah Please Translate for Me?

I have two awesome kids.  An almost 5 year old daughter and a 2 1/2 year old son.  Both of my kids are talkers.  Its rarely quiet in my house or in the car or anywhere we go - there is always chatter around me.  Doesn't bother me much unless I'm driving and truly trying to concentrate, or if the chatter becomes loud screams for no particular reason.

Both my kids talked early - both had pretty large vocabularies by the age of one.  I could really carry on a conversation with either child by the time they were one.  I never baby talked with my kids.  I had straight, adult like conversations with my children and still do.  I was a talker and still am a talker.  I've been known to make a short story long, I'll admit - but really most stories need the little background and side bar information to make them truly interesting!

I'm not sure if its my hearing or if I just don't understand my son's articulation very well at times.  This usually happens when I'm in the car driving.   He sits diagonally behind me.  I often find myself saying to my son, "please say that again" and he will say the exact same thing again.  I'll repeat what I think he is saying and he'll tell me "no" and repeat the exact same thing again to me.  If my daughter is there, she'll typically pipe in and say "mom he's saying ....".  I'll repeat what she says and my son will say "yes".  I kid you not, this happens at least once every other day.

I now just skip the frustration for my son and me and say "Norah, please translate for me!"  Why is it she gets it right all the time and I just can't understand it even when my poor son tells me half a dozen times?

Please don't tell me its because I'm getting old!  I'm a bit worried about my son's and my conversations once Norah starts full-time school in the fall and I lose my interpreter.  **sigh**


  1. It's like you're driving MY car! Seriously! Usually I can figure it out but for whatever reason, when we're in the car, that's when we do exactly the same thing - "Lauren, I don't understand you say it again? What was that? Did you say "blah blah blah?" No.. No.. No... and Roman pipes up, "Lauren, did you say..." and YES! from Missy. I'm never sure whether to be relieved to know what it was or pissed cause it takes a 5 year old to translate!

  2. Jack is my translator too. At least Donovan repeats it nicely for you. Sally will once for me, then she starts screaming it at me and there is no chance I'll ever know what she's saying at that point:)
