Sunday, February 3, 2013

Raising Me a Good Soul!

I like to think that I'm a good person.  I'm not perfect, I have a temper, I get frustrated easily and I have a potty mouth like a drunken sailor when I'm really angry, annoyed and frustrated.  All things that I'm not proud of but if these are my vices I'm not too bad of a person!

Where I am a good person - I always think of how my actions will affect another human being.  I 90% of the time take the high road.  Both my cheeks have been smacked equally as I do "turn the other cheek" more often then not.

I try to do nice little things for other people just to make their lives easier and happier.  Even if it is as simple as taking on another task at work just to help offset another's very busy schedule even though my schedule is just as crazy and busy if not more.

I am, however, guilty of hoping things do get paid back when I need the help the most.  Some people have exceeded this expectation and some have come up empty.  But I don't hold it against anyone, because I shouldn't expect a repayment anyway.  But lets be honest, it would be nice sometimes - right??

So this brings me to "raising me a good soul".  I want my kids to be kind, generous,  helpful, loving human beings.  I want them to be able to "turn the other cheek" even when it's so hard too.  But I also want them to understand the "fine line of being totally taken advantage of and being just good hearted human beings"- that's a life long lesson to learn.  Not sure I totally have learned it myself!

So the other day out of the blue my Norah says to me "Mom, I want to donate my hair to Locks of Love".  My heart beamed.  I explained how it works and when all said and done I asked her if she still wanted to do that and she did with some great enthusiasm.   I asked her how she heard of it?  Was someone doing this at school?  She said no, and explained that I had talked about it a long time ago and she thought it would be nice to do.  So we went yesterday to the salon to have her hair trimmed in preparation of this journey of growing her hair to pass on to a child who will need a wig someday.  If her hair continues to grow at the pace it is, my cousin, her stylist believes her hair will be ready for donation by Christmas time this year.  What a wonderful Christmas present to give to another child who is walking through life with struggles that could be made just a little bit lighter.  She's already made significant strides at growing her hair, and only needs 3-4 inches but will need another trim late summer.

This is huge, because Norah's hair was always her signature feature, as a baby and toddler and even now.

Norah has beautiful hair and this gift she wants to give is so wonderful.  So meaningful and truly defines what a good person she is inside and out.

I am so proud of my daughter and had I not chopped all my hair off 2 years ago, I'd would love to have walked this journey with her.  Although, I'm not sure color processed hair or gray hair would be ideal hair to donate!

Norah truly is a one of a kind kid!  She's kind, sweet, caring, giving and loving.  She's a type of girl that I would want to have as my best friend.  Twenty years from now I hope to call her my best friend after I've successfully raised her to be an adult.  If today is any indication of her future, she's already successful!

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