This cowardly Anonymous person who I'll refer to as the "Troll" wrote the following nasty comment in reference to my Mother's Day blog post.
"You r the wurst fukking mom ever! How can you say your son has moter skills issues? Deerrrrrrr. Ur insane. Get help! "
My first reaction was tears streaming down my face. This hit me in the proverbial Achilles - leveling me for the whole day. I ended up deactivating my blog for public viewing and I deactivated my Facebook account because I often attach a link of my blog postings on Facebook.
I talked to some friends about this and they were disgusted by how hurtful and inconsiderate a person could be and to hide behind an "Anonymous" tag was just a sign that this person is a cowardly cyber bully!
The comment was in reference to a drawing that my Donovan drew for me as his Mother's Day present to me. My kids' gifts meant the world to me. They were thoughtful gifts that they made for me with their own two hands and formulated these gifts with their own "brains".
What I'm guessing is that this Troll has no idea that my child has a genetic disorder. A genetic disorder that manifests "issues" in many ways. One of them being developmental issues. My son has seen therapists since he was 7 months old. I've made sure that he has kept up to speed developmentally with not only cognitive learning but his motor skills. Had I not been "on the ball" with this, he might not be where he is today. Right on the money with his gross motor skills and only needing some minor help with his fine motor skills. His grip of a writing utensil is not perfect and his hands might be a little weaker than another child his age. Which is not unheard of given his genetic disorder - Noonan Syndrome. These are things I won't let slide because I want to make sure that he never falls behind his peers. He's going to have enough struggle throughout his life, that if I can help him now avoid issues down the road I will do that.
Anyway, this picture he drew was of his new found favorite character Pocoyo. Had this Troll seen his writing, coloring and drawing prior to this picture this Troll would have realized is that my son made a huge leap in his fine motor skills. Also, my son had help from his older sister to fine tune the picture - so the artwork wasn't his own 100%.
My son has been assessed by our school system within the last month and the person doing the assessment did mention to me that Donovan could use a little extra work with his fine motor skills and she gave me some "advice and pointers" on how to help him. His preschool teacher also mentioned that he is behind his peers (although he is the youngest in his class) when it comes to his fine motor skills. So I'm not a whacko Mom who is insane and needs help! I've had 3 separate development professionals concur that Donovan is a bit behind with his fine motor skills. It is not something I conjured up on my own!
I shouldn't have to say all of this and defend myself .... and why am I letting this Troll get under my skin?
This Troll hurt the core of my heart by telling me that I am the worst "bleeping" mom ever. This Troll probably doesn't know that I lost my first pregnancy to a miscarriage at 12 weeks. A miscarriage that leveled me emotionally. This Troll probably doesn't know that I had to go through fertility treatments to have my daughter, and that I lost my 3rd pregnancy to another miscarriage. This Troll probably doesn't realize that I cried for weeks after finding out my son has a congenital heart issue and a genetic disorder that will be with him the rest of his life.
My kids are gifts. I feel blessed and lucky to have them. I want nothing but the best for them and I want them to succeed in life. My son will always have challenges to face. Fortunately, he's a bright boy and even though he's small he is mighty! He will be teased mercilessly for his height, for probably wearing glasses and whatever else kids tease other kids about. He will always have health issues. The list is long already and who knows when the list will stop. My son has faced a lot of hurdles in his 3 1/2 years of life and I've watched him have bad days and very good days. I will fight for him and I will arm him with whatever I can to make sure that life is good for him! If that means that I worry about his fine motor skills and get him assessed or therapy or whatever I need to do, I will do that! That does not make me "the wurst fukking mom ever!" I think it makes me "THE BEST MOM EVER!"
Amen sister!