Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Why an Obsession with Uncomfortable Shoes?

The other night, my husband and I had "date night".  We had a wonderful time.

I love summertime and summer fashion - sundresses and summer shoes.

All my life I've always had a hard time finding shoes to fit my very narrow heal and small foot.  Shoe manufactures typically start manufacturing shoes in size 6 and I unfortunately can wear 5 or 5 1/2 in women's shoes.  So when I see a pair of shoes in my size that are cool looking I have to purchase them.  It is equivalent to finding a diamond in the rough!  Truly it is!

A couple of years ago, about 5 months after my son was born I was walking through Macy's department store and I found these beauties.  Given all the bummer type news we had received regarding my son and his health weeks earlier - these shoes had the potential to be successful therapy!

They were on the sale rack no less!  They were calling my name "Colleen, Colleen, buy us Colleen".  So I tried them on and wahoo - they fit my feet.  They weren't too big.  I felt like Cinderella must have felt when the Prince successfully fitted her with the glass pumps!  I was on cloud nine.

I wore them one evening to a "Holiday" party and I felt so fashionable and like a new person.  They seemed to fit just fine, although I think I may have worn tights with them because it was December and we did have snow that evening.

You would think that with a nice red pair of shoes that I would have another reason to wear these beauties.  I didn't until last Saturday night.  So last Saturday I put on my new sun dress in a denim type material and I dug through my very messy walk-in closet to find these beauties.  So they were open-towed and I thought they would be perfect to wear with my dress.  They were.  I loved that they completed the look I was going for!

I put them on and they seemed okay.  I wore them to Church and then out on my date with my husband. We did a fair amount of walking and I noticed that my foot was slipping in my shoe.  What, slipping you ask?  I thought they fit perfectly.  They did almost 3 years ago when I weighted 117 lbs and my feet were fat from being pregnant several months earlier.  Now I'm down a good 12 - 14 lbs and my feet apparently were recipients of my weight loss. 

Noticed how pinched my poor toes are all because my foot is sliding forward.
My feet lost so much weight that my toes fall through the front of the shoe pinching my toes against the top and sides of the opening and it gave me mammoth blisters after walking in 85 degree heat and high humidity for a good mile.  I also noticed that my heal wasn't flush with the back of my shoe and was a good 1/4 inch away.  **Sigh**

I love these shoes.  I love that they are patented leather and red patented leather too!  So the only way to get my feet back into these shoes is to gain some weight!  What a horrible dilemma to be in!  Shoes or healthy weight, shoes or healthy weight - decisions decisions.

I'll let you know later what I decide! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh I cry with you. I LOOOOOVE shoes. I have a pair of Franco Sarto sandals though that I think have to go now. Every time I wear them, while they look gorgeous, they're starting to fall apart and my toes hate me for the blisters. But they're a tiny tie to my old life - the BEFORE life when nice, expensive shoes that fit weren't a pipe dream... I'm at the other end of the spectrum size wise. I see beautiful pairs but there's never a 9 to be found.
