Yesterday, my son was being a "butt". Not a good mom and son morning - we are both bull-headed and he's 2 1/2 and I'm much older. Yet, he likes to push all the buttons on "mom" that he can. So we spent the better part of the morning mad at each other. I know so very childish of me - but he hit a nerve.
I was checking my emails and he pops in the study and finds a "yellow" toy he left on the desk. Yellow so happens to be his favorite color so he's yelling "yellow, yellow, yellow". So I scoop him up as if I was going to carry him over the threshold and I ran into the family room and we spun around really fast quite a few times with me yelling "yellow, yellow, yellow...". By the time I was done, spinning - the two of us were belly laughing and so very dizzy. I set him down and he says "do it again mommy". So I catch my breath, and stabilize a bit and I pick him up doing the same thing all over again. The end result was the same, both of us crazy dizzy yet laughing our selves silly.
All the while I see my 4 year old daughter watching with interest and wanting to participate - she says to me "I know mommy, I'm too big for you to do that to." So I said, "well, I'm your mom and I'm still bigger than you "- not by much I might add - "so lets give it a try". So I picked her up and spun her around until we were so dizzy and laughing and I wanted to puke. So I set her down and she says to me, "that was fun, lets do it again!" So I said, let me get un-dizzy first. So of course, my son chimes in "my turn, my turn!" So we start the process over again twice more with each child until I thought I was going to puke from being so dizzy!
We had so much fun just doing something so goofy that we might just do it again today!
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